German minister Habeck: Nation deserves to 'reward' itself at Euros

Post Content
2024-06-10 13:08:07

Venezuela may be first nation to lose all its glaciers

Scientists say the South American nation's last glacier is now just an ice field.
2024-05-09 19:08:10

Ministers rule out concessions on Rwanda bill

Legislation to enable asylum seekers to be sent to the African nation could pass its final stages later.
2024-04-17 17:09:01

Thailand Leads Push for Six-Nation Visa to Lure Moneyed Tourists

Post Content
2024-04-07 03:07:00

What next as chaos and violence engulf Haiti?

As turmoil grips the Caribbean nation, how countries from the US to Kenya react will be critical.
2024-03-15 08:07:59

Full transcript of "Face the Nation," July 30, 2023

Post Content
2023-07-31 00:48:18

This African Nation?s Surprise Plan for Farming Through Climate Disaster

Post Content
2023-06-11 08:09:39

8 bodies discovered by police and Canadian Coast Guard in a Mohawk Nation territory near US border

Police in Canada said Friday they have recovered eight bodies in Akwesasne, the Mohawk Nation territory that straddles the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario along the banks of the St. Lawrence River.
2023-04-01 18:07:23

Pakistan's political heavyweights take their street battles to the courts -- as a weary nation looks on

Pakistan's leaders and the man who wants to unseat them are engaged in high stakes political brinkmanship that is taking a toll on the collective psyche of the nation's people -- and many are exhausted.
2023-03-31 09:07:25

Ukraine to clinch first IMF loan to nation at war

The $15.6bn financing package is expected to be approved in the coming weeks.
2023-03-22 05:07:11

School workers in the nation's second-largest district go on strike, shutting down schools. Here's what they want

A union representing 30,000 Los Angeles school custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers and other support staff has started a three-day strike with support from the district's teachers, effectively stopping classes for more than a half million students in the nation's second-largest school system.
2023-03-22 00:05:49

Ghana photography: Capturing a new nation coming to life

Post Content
2023-03-05 19:51:45

Putin to give long-anticipated state-of-the-nation address

Post Content
2023-02-21 10:11:40

This Indigenous tribe's totem pole was stolen and sold for $45. After waiting 110 years, they finally have it back

A totem pole removed from an Indigenous burial site more than a century ago and kept on display in a Canadian museum has been repatriated to the Nuxalk Nation.
2023-02-19 16:06:46

Indigenous communities celebrate the return of a totem pole to Nuxalk Nation from Canadian museum

A totem pole removed from an Indigenous burial site more than a century ago and kept on display in a Canadian museum has been repatriated to the Nuxalk Nation.
2023-02-19 15:05:51

Why an Arab nation has opted to teach the Holocaust in its schools

The United Arab Emirates will soon become the first Arab nation to teach the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust in its schools, a historic move that has been praised in some quarters -- but also criticized in others.
2023-01-13 22:43:34

Why an Arab nation has opted to teach the Holocaust in its schools

The United Arab Emirates will soon become the first Arab nation to teach the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust in its schools, a historic move that has been praised in some quarters -- but also criticized in others.
2023-01-13 22:33:33

China?s Xi Says Nation?s Covid Strategy Was ?Optimized?

Post Content
2022-12-30 15:14:02

Meztelen fotókért cserébe adott ki katonai titkokat egy indiai férfi

Az India északnyugati részén, a pakisztáni határ közelében fekvő Dzsaiszalmerben élő Satyanarayan Paliwal egy közösségi portálon ismerkedett meg valakivel, aki csábító nőnek adta ki magát. A 42 éves férfi hamar besétált a csapdába, és elkezdett katonai információkat szivárogtatni az ismeretlennek ? írja az Our News című indiai hírlap. A nő szexuálisan túlfűtött csevegéseket folytatott a férfival, és meztelen fotókat küldött neki. A férfi cserébe információkat küldött neki az indiai haderő határmenti csapatmozgásairól, illetve a pokhrani lőtérről. Amikor elfogták, a férfinél egy titkos katonai...
2021-01-13 10:06:40

Meztelen fotókért cserébe adott ki katonai titkokat egy indiai férfi

Az India északnyugati részén, a pakisztáni határ közelében fekvő Dzsaiszalmerben élő Satyanarayan Paliwal egy közösségi portálon ismerkedett meg valakivel, aki csábító nőnek adta ki magát. A 42 éves férfi hamar besétált a csapdába, és elkezdett katonai információkat szivárogtatni az ismeretlennek ? írja az Our News című indiai hírlap. A nő szexuálisan túlfűtött csevegéseket folytatott a férfival, és meztelen fotókat küldött neki. A férfi cserébe információkat küldött neki az indiai haderő határmenti csapatmozgásairól, illetve a pokhrani lőtérről. Amikor elfogták, a férfinél egy titkos katonai...
2021-01-13 10:06:40

Elvontatták autóját, bosszúból ellopta vontatócég vontatóját

A floridai hatóságok letartóztattak egy 30 éves férfit, aki ellopta egy autóvontató cég vontatóautóját, bosszúból azért, mert a cég elvontatta az autóját ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. A férfit egy floridai autópályán állították meg az autópálya-rendőrség egyik embere, helyi idő szerint keddről szerdára virradó éjszaka, nem sokkal éjfél után. Aimee Onggo az őt megállító rendőrnek beismerte, hogy ellopta a járművet, de nem csak az autólopás az egyetlen dolog, ami miatt bíróság elé kell majd állnia. A férfinél ugyanis kisebb droggyűjteményt találtak. A rendőrségi jelentésre hivatkozó hírek szerint...
2021-01-27 11:05:39

The South African chefs fighting hunger with food waste

How hundreds of tonnes of food that would have gone to waste is used to feed the nation's poorest residents.
2021-02-02 02:05:56

Obituary: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a hero who gave a nation hope

The Army veteran who raised millions for NHS charities during the coronavirus pandemic dies at 100.
2021-02-02 18:05:57

Libya crisis: Vote to unite splintered nation

A new interim government is chosen to replace the war-torn country's rival administrations.
2021-02-05 19:05:58

Libya crisis: Vote to unite splintered nation

2021-02-05 19:05:59

Two Holocaust historians face Polish court verdict

A controversial ban on defaming the nation is used to claim two historians libelled a wartime mayor.
2021-02-09 14:05:59

Majd egy mázsa parizert foglaltak le az amerikai?mexikói határon

Több mint 90 kilogramm sertésfelvágottat foglaltak le amerikai határőrök csütörtökön az Egyesült Államok és Mexikó határán ? írja a Fort Worth Star Telegram című texasi hírportál. A columbusi határátkelő személyzetének gyanús lett egy Nissan városi terepjáró, ezért alaposabban is átvizsgálták a kocsit. A csomagtartóban 22 nagy rúd parizert találtak, és néhány rúd előkerült a sofőr poggyászából is. This bologna has a name. It?s S-E-I-Z-E-D. #CBP officers in New Mexico stopped an Albuquerque man who was attempting to cross almost 200 pounds of the illicit meat from Mexico. Details here: https:...
2021-02-12 14:05:40

Öreg néninek álcázta magát két nő, hogy oltást kaphassanak

Floridában a 65 évesnél idősebb emberek kaphatják meg először az egészségügyi dolgozók mellett a koronavírus elleni oltást, de vannak, akik nem akarják kivárni, míg rájuk kerül a sor. Mint az a két nő,  az egyik 34 éves, a másik 44 éves, akik ?nagyiknak öltözve? próbálták átverni az oltást végző dolgozókat, hogy megkaphassák az oltást ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. A csalás egyszer már működhetett számukra. Mindketten ugyanis már a második oltásra érkeztek az Orange megyei konferenciaközpontba, ahol autóban ülve kaphatják meg az emberek az oltást. Nem tudom, hogyan úszták meg az első alkalommal ...
2021-02-22 19:05:48

Ghana is first nation in world to receive COVAX vaccines

2021-02-24 12:06:14

The Latest: Ghana is 1st nation to get vaccines from COVAX

2021-02-24 13:07:20

Videó készült a halálos lövöldözésről: fedett rendőrök és fedett ügynökök ölték egymást

Elképesztő eset történt szerda kora este Quezon Cityben, a Fülöp-szigetek fővárosa melletti 3 milliós nagyvárosban: fedett akcióban dolgozó rendőrök próbáltak drogot venni fedetten dolgozó drogellenes ügynököktől. A rendőrök azt hitték, hogy dílereken ütnek rajta, és az akcióból gyorsan lövöldözés kerekedett, amit videóra is vettek, amit a Rappler osztott meg. A két egymásra lövöldöző csapat ? a rendőrség és a drogellenes ügynökség ? Rodrigo Duterte elnök drogellenes hadjáratának két legfontosabb szerve. A rendőrség beszámolója szerint nem sokkal délután 6 óra előtt egy McDonald?s parkolóban...
2021-02-25 17:05:47

Bahrain becomes 1st nation to grant J&J shot emergency use

2021-02-25 19:06:54

Fauci: 'I would take whatever vaccine would be available to me'

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, on Sunday urged Americans to take any of the three "highly efficacious" coronavirus vaccines now available to them and not delay getting one vaccine over another.
2021-02-28 17:05:43

How one country slipped into a Covid disaster, one misstep at a time

On an epidemiological map of the world, the Czech Republic shows up as a tiny island of doom and gloom. While the global number of new coronavirus cases has been dropping for six consecutive weeks, the Central European nation of 10 million has been experiencing near record levels of new infections.
2021-02-28 17:05:44

How one country slipped into a Covid disaster, one misstep at a time

On an epidemiological map of the world, the Czech Republic shows up as a tiny island of doom and gloom. While the global number of new coronavirus cases has been dropping for six consecutive weeks, the Central European nation of 10 million has been experiencing near record levels of new infections.
2021-02-28 17:05:46

Vaccine scandal highlights long history of misconduct by elected officials in Peru

It's been only three months since former Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra was impeached by his country's Congress and removed from office over corruption allegations which he has repeatedly denied. Yet there he was again on Monday, making a public statement blaming 'a political class that is only interested in generating chaos' for his implication in a vaccine scandal that has riled up the Andean nation.
2021-03-02 00:05:41

The EU's unified vaccination strategy is splintering as countries turn to Israel, China and Russia for help

The European Union's 27-nation vaccine strategy is splintering as member states turn to nations outside the bloc to boost a faltering rollout plagued by supply issues, contract skirmishes and sluggish takeup.
2021-03-02 22:05:47

Christian Porter reveals he is the Australian minister accused of historical rape allegation

Attorney General Christian Porter has outed himself as the Australian cabinet minister at the center of a historical rape allegation that has caused a storm of speculation in the nation's Parliament.
2021-03-03 06:07:41

Christian Porter reveals he is the Australian minister accused of historical rape allegation

Attorney General Christian Porter has outed himself as the Australian cabinet minister at the center of a historical rape allegation that has caused a storm of speculation in the nation's Parliament.
2021-03-03 06:07:44

John Oates revives music festival to help fight pandemic-related hunger crisis

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Oates and his wife Aimee are reviving Oates Song Fest 7908 to fundraise for Feeding America, the nation's largest hunger-relief organization.
2021-03-03 14:05:39

John Oates revives music festival to help fight pandemic-related hunger crisis

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Oates and his wife Aimee are reviving Oates Song Fest 7908 to fundraise for Feeding America, the nation's largest hunger-relief organization.
2021-03-03 15:05:53

Europe's unified vaccination strategy is splintering

The European Union's 27-nation vaccine strategy is splintering as member states turn to nations outside the bloc to boost a faltering rollout plagued by supply issues, contract skirmishes and sluggish takeup.
2021-03-04 10:05:44

Europe's unified vaccination strategy is splintering

The European Union's 27-nation vaccine strategy is splintering as member states turn to nations outside the bloc to boost a faltering rollout plagued by supply issues, contract skirmishes and sluggish takeup.
2021-03-04 10:05:44

Pope Francis touches down in Baghdad for a historic tour of a war-torn country

Pope Francis has landed in Iraq for a historic tour of the war-ravaged nation, where he is expected to meet with members of the country's dwindling Christian community and draw attention to their plight.
2021-03-05 15:05:40

Scandals reveal Cuomo known by New Yorkers to wider nation

2021-03-05 16:06:41

UK foreign aid: Yemen cut condemned by charities

'History will not judge this nation kindly', they say, in a letter to Boris Johnson.
2021-03-06 05:06:45

Amanda Gorman, inaugural poet, says she was 'tailed' by security guard on her walk home

Amanda Gorman, the nation's first youth poet laureate, said she was "tailed" and told "you look suspicious" by a security guard as she walked home Friday night.
2021-03-06 19:05:46

Images from the Pope's historic Iraq visit

Pope Francis landed in Iraq on Friday for a historic tour of the war-ravaged nation, where he is meeting with members of the country's dwindling Christian community and aiming to draw attention to their plight.
2021-03-06 19:05:49

'The Fight of the Century': a divided US nation 50 years on

By the time the first bell rang and Joe Frazier came bobbing towards him, Muhammad Ali was already four years into a fight that helped define him as one of the 20th century's most influential figures.
2021-03-08 08:06:02

'The Fight of the Century': a divided US nation 50 years on

By the time the first bell rang and Joe Frazier came bobbing towards him, Muhammad Ali was already four years into a fight that helped define him as one of the 20th century's most influential figures.
2021-03-08 12:06:13

The diplomacy behind the scenes of the UN Security Council's Myanmar statement

Security Council 101 on Myanmar: We don't get to see the diplomatic sausage made, but the outcome Wednesday was a predictable compromise despite the gravity of violence and terror in the southeast Asian nation's streets and homes.
2021-03-11 05:05:40

Pope Francis touches down in Baghdad, hoping to boost an ancient Christian church and a war-torn country

Pope Francis has landed in Iraq for a historic tour of the war-ravaged nation, where he is expected to meet with members of the country's dwindling Christian community and draw attention to their plight.
2021-03-11 06:05:46

Arkansas abortion ban isn't a law. It's a message

This week, Arkansas passed one of the nation's most sweeping abortion bans to date, criminalizing any procedure unless a patient's life is at risk. But the sweep of Arkansas's proposal, which very consciously includes a ban for cases of rape and incest, isn't the only thing that stands out. Quite simply, Arkansas's latest abortion ban isn't just a law. It's a letter to the Supreme Court's conservative six -justice majority -- and a preview of the case against Roe v. Wade.
2021-03-11 15:05:39

Biden set to address nation with an eye toward reopening

? Biden signs 'historic' Covid relief bill into law ? Analysis: Why Republican opposition to the stimulus bill looks like very bad politics
2021-03-11 23:05:56

Top ex-Obama strategist grades Biden's speech

David Axelrod, who advised former President Barack Obama, assesses President Joe Biden's speech addressing the nation about the Covid-19 pandemic.
2021-03-12 04:07:14

Top ex-Obama strategist grades Biden's speech

David Axelrod, who advised former President Barack Obama, assesses President Joe Biden's speech addressing the nation about the Covid-19 pandemic.
2021-03-12 04:07:14

Correspondent describes scene at White House during speech

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on the one-year anniversary since coronavirus shut down much of the US. CNN's Kaitlan Collins shares what she observed from inside the room where Biden spoke.
2021-03-12 05:06:42

Biden to Americans: I need you to get vaccinated

? Analysis: 7 takeaways from Biden's speech ? READ: Transcript of Biden's prime-time address to the nation
2021-03-12 07:05:48

Sarah Everard: How a woman's death sparked a nation's soul-searching

The disappearance and death of a young woman in London prompts anger and calls for change.
2021-03-13 18:06:42

Covid-19: Netherlands suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine

It is the latest nation to act over reports of blood clotting but the WHO says it is safe.
2021-03-15 04:10:14

Women's groups lose legal battle over UK's falling rape prosecutions as nation grapples with gender-based violence

Campaigners have lost a challenge against the UK's prosecution service over the dramatically falling rate of rape prosecutions, at a critical juncture for women's rights in the country.
2021-03-15 21:05:44

A year into the pandemic, Florida is booming and Republican Gov. DeSantis is taking credit

After a year of criticism by health experts, mockery from comedians and blistering critiques from political rivals, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is standing unabashedly tall among the nation's governors on the front lines of the coronavirus fight.
2021-03-17 13:05:41

Man arrested outside Kamala Harris' residence with rifle and ammo in car

Washington, DC, police arrested a Texas man outside Vice President Kamala Harris' official residence, the US Naval Observatory, in the nation's capital on Wednesday and he's now facing weapons and ammunition charges.
2021-03-18 01:05:43

Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts

View CNN's Fast Facts to learn more about the United Nation's inspection for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq from 1991 to 2007.
2021-03-18 12:05:42

'This was a massacre.' Atlanta shooting victim's family want justice

Jami Webb says she was planning to celebrate her mother's 50th birthday this week. But Xiaojie Tan, who owned Youngs Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia, was among eight people who lost their lives Tuesday in a shooting rampage that has rattled the nation.
2021-03-21 12:06:41


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